Vincentian Lay Associations   (Fr. Francis Puthenthayil CM)

  1. International Association of Charities (AIC)
  2. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
  3. Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV)
  4. Association of Miraculous Medal (AMM)
  5. Lay Vincentian Missionaries (MISEVI)
1. International Association of Charities (AIC)
  1. An international association with philathrophic, religious and educational goals
  2. Origin – 1617 in Chatillon-les-Dombes (France)
  3. It stems from those groups of women. AIC has been international since its foundation
  4. Charities began their action with home visits, later other works are undertaken such as caring orphans, imprisoned deserters, the sick in the hospitals.
  5. Accompanies women in their promotion and search for autonomy.
  6. It is a NGO composed mainly of women having 250000 members present in 50 countries in four countries.
  7. participates in a worldwide network that tries to combine and link the efforts of public and private organizations that are involved in the fight against poverty and exclusion so as to defend the rights of the poorest of the poor.
  8. Statutes were approved I 1985 by the Assembly of Delegates.
  9. Is a private association

Head office – Paris, Rue de Sevres 
Internationally organised and took the name of international association of charities – 1971 (having a council)

Motto: “Against poverty, acting  together” 

    • Be a transforming force in society and to fight against poverty
    • Have a priority commitment to women through out the world
    • Strengthen involvement with the poor
    • Foster collaboration and networking and, conscious of everyone’s responsibility, participate in public political activities


  1. justice, equality, tolerance, respect and dignity of the person


  1. To be a transforming force in the face of poverty
  2. To be a transforming force in society
  3. To be a transforming force in the Association


  1. To work together to fight poverty and injustice
  2. To consider the human being as a whole person
  3. To respect his or her cultural identity
  4. To consider, as a priority, promotion of the human person;
  5. To know the economic, political, social and religious realities of each community or group.


    • Assure the Vincentian presence in the world, preserving their own identity and giving witness