In the 90's based on several experiences in different countries, the major superiors of some branches met and a persistent proposal of Vincentian collaboration emerged from that. In 1991, the then Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Very Rev. Robert P. Maloney, responded to the proposal by calling for the meeting of the major superiors/heads of the various communities of the Vincentian Family. The experience has been so rich. This gathering of the leaders of each branch continued once a year to promote the ties of unity and launch common actions on an international level. In order to realize the Vincentian Charism effectively here and now, the leaders urged the need of strengthening unity and collaboration, praying for one another, promoting specific Vincentian formation and finding ways of reaching together the poorest of the poor.


In accordance with the same spirit, the major superiors of the some of the branches of Vincentian Family were trying to form the VF in India. Many attempts were made to unite the various branches in India. One of the attempts was made by Fr. Francis Puthenthayil C.M along with Bro. Jospeh Pandian and the National Executive body of SSVP. It took place in the month of November of 2006. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil C.M proposed a meeting of the major superiors and heads of Vincentian Family. Bro. Joseph Pandian the then national president of SSVP and his team whole heartedly welcomed this idea and offered full support including hoisting a meeting of the major superiors and heads of the Vincentian Family at Banglore. The first meeting was held on the last Saturday of the month of February of 2007. The experience was so enthralling. The major superiors and heads of four major branches attended the meeting (CM, DC, SCV and SSVP). Fr. Francis Puthenthayil was unanimously elected as the National Coordinator of the VF in India. There was a proposal for to have the similar type of gathering of the major superiors / heads of various branches of the VF once a year. Since the first meeting was held on last Saturday of February it was decided to have the second one on the last Saturday of February 2008.
Accordingly, the second annual gathering of the Vincentian Family was held at Kannyakumari in February 2008. Eleven various communities represented for this meeting. All felt the need of coming together and work together for the causes of the poor. In order to be effective in coordinating the Vincentian Family, an executive body has been formed. The body consisted of Fr. Francis Puthenthayil CM, Very Rev. Fr. Mathew Kallamackal CM, Sr. Salvia SCV, Sr. Rose Kidengen DC and Bro. Joseph Pandian. There was also a proposal to prepare a directory for the Vincentian Family so that those who belonged to this family could know each other. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil took up the charge of preparing the directory. He was asked to present it in the following annual gathering of 2009. All expressed sincere thanks to SSVP who met all the expenses of the gathering.
The third annual gathering was held at Mysore from 21 to 23 February 2009. The directory of VF in India was released during the get together. At this meeting there was another proposal that is to have a set of guidelines for the Vincentian Family so that it may promote better unity and collaboration among the family members. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil was asked to draft the guidelines and present to the forthcoming annual gathering for its approval and implementation. The meeting concluded with expression sincere thanks to CM Confreres of the south Indian Province who met all the expenses of the gathering.
The fourth annual gathering was held at Gopalpur-on-sea from 27 to28 February 2010. There was a representation from eight branches. At this meeting there was a proposal to have ongoing formation programme for those volunteers who undertake to coordinate the Vincentian Family in local level. Very Rev. Fr. Varghese Thottamkara CM, the Visitor of South India volunteered to contact the first such programme in collaboration with Fr. George Ayaloor CM in the month of May 2010. The General Body accepted the guidelines of the VF in India with some minor corrections. All expenses for this gathering were met by the CM confreres of North Indian Province.
The fifth annual gathering was held at Manathavady from 25 to 27 February 2011. There was a representation from nine branches. At this meeting there was a proposal to promote Vincentian Family in grass root level. Fr. George Ayaloor CM was requested to arrange a seminar on systemic change in the month of May 2010. Bro. Rajeswar Rao was elected as the secretary of VFI. There was a strong proposal to establish a secretariat at Bangalore. The Daughters of Charity of South Indian Province was requested to consider allotting some place for the same. The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul at Manathavady volunteered to sponsor the food and lodging for the participants.
The Sixth annual gathering was held at Bangalore from 21 to 22 January, 2012. There was a representation from eleven branches. At this meeting there was a proposal for reconfiguration of some of the regions. Accordingly Western Region was divided into two. There was a strong proposal to start a news bulletin for VFI. The proposed name for the bulletin was vinfamindia. The Daughters of Charity of South Indian Province sponsored the programme.
The Seventh annual gathering was held at Ranchi from 23 to 27 February 2013.There were representation from eleven branches. Fr. Robert P Maloney and his team for systemic change gave the input session. There were 125 participants. At this meeting there was a proposal to think of having a common project for promoting the dignity of women. The meeting concluded with expression sincere thanks to SCN sisters of the Patna Province who met all the expenses of the gathering.
The Eighth annual gathering was held at Angamally from 22 to 23 February 2014.There were representation from eleven branches. Rev. Dr. Augustine Valloran VC gave the input session. There were 55 participants. At this meeting there was a proposal to constitute a commission for systemic change. There was also a strong proposal to revive the commission for promoting the dignity of women. The meeting concluded with expression of sincere thanks to VC Fathers especially the Mary Matha Province of the Vincentian Congregation (Angamaly) who met all the expenses of the gathering.
The Ninth annual gathering was held at Mysore from 21 to 22 February 2015. There was a representation from nine branches. Very Rev. Fr. Gregory G. Gay CM, the International Coordinator of Vincentian Family was present on the first day of the gathering. Fr. Gregory had enlightened the participants about the developments and activities of VF in worldwide. While appreciating the steady growth of VF in India, he called for a better collaboration among the various branches to promote the Vincentian Charism i.e., to evangelise the poorest of the poor. There was a strong proposal to establish a secretariat at Belwady in Mysore. The participants expressed their sincere thanks to the members of the South Indian Province of the Congregation of the Mission for sponsoring the food and lodging for the participants.
The Tenth annual gathering was held at Gopalpur-on-sea, Odisha from 12 to 13 March 2016. There was a representation from nine branches. Bishop Simon Kaipuram CM and Bro. Joseph Pandian were the resource person. They dealt on the relevance of collaboration. There was a strong proposal to establish a secretariat at Belwady in Mysore. The floor approved the proposal of requesting a partial support for the same from VSO and VFO of the Congregation of the Mission. The participants expressed their sincere thanks to the members of the South Indian Province of the Daughters of Charity for sponsoring the food and lodging for the participants.
The Eleventh Annual Gathering of the Vincentian Family was held at ‘Niveditha’ Aluva, Kerala from 11 to 12 March 2017. There were 41 participants from 9 branches. The presence of Bishop Thomas Thiruthalil CM, Bishop Mathew Vanikizhekkel VC and Bishop Simon Kaipuram CM was inspiration to the participants. James Claffey SSVP, Secretary of the International Systemic Change Commission was the main resource person. The venue of the secretariat is shifted from Mysore to Bangalore. Daughters of Charity of South Indian Province agreed to offer half acre of land to this effect. For the purposes of maintaining the autonomy as well as financial transactions, VFI shall be registered as Trust. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil CM, Sr. Rose Chirayil DC and Tomy Varghese SSVP shall be its President, Vice President and Secretary cum Treasurer respectively. The participants expressed gratitude to SSVP for hosting the Annual Gathering of the VFI.

Mission Statement of VFI

We, the members of the Vincentian Family in India, impelled by the love of Christ and inspired by the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul commit ourselves to live and serve in a spirit of communion and mutual collaboration to work for the evangelization of those who live in poverty, according to the signs of the time.

Vision and Mission

a. Vision
To empower people who live in poverty to realize the reign of God in their lives.
b. Mission
We Are :
  1. Called to live and share the Vincentian Spirit.
  2. Chosen to respond to God’s call to evangelise and be evangelised by people living in poverty.
  3. Sent to the whole world to witness the compassionate love of Christ.
We Believe :
  1. In the presence of Christ in people living in poverty.
  2. In the manifestation of the love of God by being at the service of people living in poverty with affective, effective and inspiring love.
  3. That the source of our strength and unity is the Eucharist, the sacraments, the Word of God and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  4. In the strength of collaboration to bring about the reign of God here on earth.
We Intend :
  1. To be prophetic witnesses in the world in word and deed.
  2. To involve actively those who must live in poverty in transforming their lives
  3. To risk our lives and resources in this endeavour
  1. To promote collaboration, solidarity and networking among the branches of Vincentian Family in India.
  2. To recognize and become deeply aware of the challenging reality of the those who must live in poverty. To collect and circulate information about the present day realities, needs, hopes and fears of the people living in poverty.
  3. To develop new forms of collaboration in the formation among the members of the various branches
  4. To deepen the Vincentian charism in light of present day needs.
  5. To strengthen common apostolic endeavours among the members of the Vincentian Family.
  6. To undertake common ministries in light of the emerging realities of the people who live in poverty
  1. Openness of each branch within an ecclesial context of service to the marginalized.
  2. Respect for the autonomy and specificity of each branch.
  3. Spirit of solidarity, mutual support and equality among the different branches.
  4. Recognition of the experience of each branch and its contribution to the Vincentian heritage.
  1. Promotion of the Vincentian tradition and spirituality by collaborating in the initial and ongoing formation programmes.
  2. Responding collectively in times of natural calamities and disasters.
  3. Undertaking common ministries for persons living in poverty.



A. General Body
Members: Major superiors/heads of lay associations
Meeting: Once a year preferably on the last Saturday of February.

B. Executive Body
National Coordinator and 7 members
Meeting: Twice a year

Members of the Executive Body
Fr. Francis Puthenthayil CM (National Coordinator of VFI)
Bro. Tomy SSVP (National Secretary of VFI)
Fr. Vijoy Kumar Nayak CM (Visitor of North India)
Sr. Rose Chirayil DC (Visitatrice of South India)
Fr. Sebastian Thundathikunnel VC (Superior General)
Sr. Ancitta SCV (Superior General)
Sr. Amirta SCN (Provincial of Bangalore)
Bro. Johnson SSVP (National President)
Bro. Ceetly George (Founder of Fiat Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul)

Members: All the major superiors or their delegates/ CC presidents or those who hold equivalent offices (lay associations)
Two each delegates from each branch if no representation is there. They are to be superiors.
Meeting: At least once a year.

Members: All the local superiors and conference presidents or equivalents
Meeting: At least twice a year

Members: All the members
Meeting: When it is required.

Activities being Developed

1. Annual meeting of the major superiors and heads of the various branches of VF in India. This meeting is held preferably on the last Saturday and Sunday of the February.
2. Interaction with the Major superiors or Heads of 21 VF branches in India
3. Directory contains the addresses of various branches and their communities/houses.
4. Website named to disseminate the news of VFI
5. News Bulletin (Vinfamindia) published quarterly.
6. Guidelines to define the nature, spirit and purpose of VFI.
7. Executive body consists of nine members
8. There are nine Regions in India such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradhesh , Eastern Region (Odisha, Chatigat, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal), North Eastern (7 States), Jharkhand – Bihar, Western Region (Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat) and Northern Region. Each region is headed by a coordinator.
9. Commission for Formation programme.
10. Joint service projects for the poor in different States are getting organized
11. Joint celebration of the feasts of the saints and blesseds of VF.
12. Systemic Change workshop has been conducted regulated.
13. Commission for promoting the dignity of woman,
14. Commission for Systemic Change.
15. VFI secretariat at Bangalore
16. VFI, a Registered Trust

Resolutions of the various annual gatherings

1. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2007 at Bangalore, Karnataka

1. Rev. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil is unanimously elected as the coordinator to organize the Vincentian Family.
2. The SSVP quarterly bulletin REACH OUT will be sent to all the branches of the family. Each branch will order for the required number of copies. The contribution for one copy is only Rs. 25/- per year. The Family members will send NEWS & VIEWS to the bulletin. Two or three pages will be allotted for this purpose in the bulletin as per the requirement. The address of the Chief Editor of the Reach Out will be sent to the participants along with the minutes. Responsibility of collecting the news & views will be entrusted to one person from each family.
3. Copies of the minutes will be sent to the participants and the other members of the family.
4. It is decided to hold the Vincentian Family Meet once in a year, preferably on the last Saturday of February. The expenses of the meeting will be shared by the participants then and there itself. The next meeting will be held on 23.02.08 at Kanyakumari.
5. Coordination among the Vincentian families at the grass root level should be encouraged.
6. The lay Vincentians are to be supported spiritually by the Vincentian Clerics.
7. Area wise one or two days seminars on Vincentian Spirituality are to be conducted depending on the area, language etc. Once in a year before the feast of St. Vincent De Paul a seminar should be held and new forms of poverty are to be traced out.
8. The Vincentian family prayer is to be printed and circulated. Sr. Grace Moolan DC volunteered to send the copies.
9. Vincentian Marian Youth leaders are to be invited for the meetings of the family.
10. The C.C or Area Council should collect the members of the Vincentian family serving in the jurisdiction of CC or AC.

2. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2008 at Kannyakumari, Tamilnadu

1. Vincentian Family is committed to work together for the evangelisation of the poor.
2. A clear vision and mission for the Vincentian Family in India is to be articulated properly so that the members of the Vincentian Family will be in a better position to cooperate and work together for the causes of the poor. This task of articulating was entrusted to the executive body.
3. The annual meeting of the heads of the Vincentian Family will be continued. It shall be for two days in the last week of February. The first day is for input session and the second day is for sharing and planning.
4. There should be an executive body for the Vincentian Family. The participants selected the following as members of executive body: Fr. Francis Puthenthayil CM (Coordinator); Fr. Mathew Kallamackal CM (Visitor of North Indian Province), Sr. Salvia SCV (Mother General), Sr. Rose Kidangen DC (Visitatrix of South Indian Province), Sr. Sangeetha SCN (Provincial superior) and Bro. T.J. Pandian (National President of SSVP). The period of the members of the executive body is for three years. The executive body shall come together twice in a year – in February and in August.
5. When natural calamities or disasters occur, the Vincentian Family shall collaborate together so that effectively the victims could be helped. A common project could be thought of for eradicating or arresting some new forms of poverty.
6. The views and news of the Vincentian Family shall be published in “Reach Out”, the bulletin of SSVP.
7. Every year a Vincentian seminar shall be conducted for two days. The Executive body will decide the theme and the details of the said seminar.
8. A Vincentian Study center could be started where the materials of Vincentian Family could be made available.
9. A course on Vincentian Spirituality lasting two to sixteen weeks could be arranged. So that the members of the various Vincentian Family could be updated of their spiritual heritage.
10. In view of activating the local family groups, there shall be occasional gathering of the members of Vincentian Family in a zonal /regional level.
11. For knowing each in a better way a catalogue or directory of the various branches of Vincentian Family could be published. For the same a web site could be also thought of for the future.
12. The feast of St. Vincent de Paul could be arranged in such a manner that all the Vincentian Family could partake in it.

3. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2009 at Mysore, Karnataka

1. During natural calamities / riots all the branches who are present in that area could come together.
2. The executive body is expanded to seven. Bro. Shaji Bosco has been elected as the new member of the executive body.
3. The Fourth annual gathering of the major superiors/heads will be held at Gopalpur (last week of February 2010). The N. Indian Province of CM will sponsor the food and lodging.
4. An annual contribution of Rs. 1000.00 is to be collected from each branch. It could become the Corpus Fund. The administrative expense will be correspondence, travel etc.
5. The National Executive Body will take the responsibility of uniting together various branches of the Vincentian Family in different regions.
6. The National Executive Body will conduct short term programmes in three different places.
7. Since one-month programme is very long duration it may be reduced to two weeks. It could be conducted in the second week of May 2010. The executive body will fix the venue and the topic.
8. It is good to have a Vincentian Study Centre. But it is too early to think about a building exclusively for this purpose.
9. News and views of Vincentian Family could be sent to ‘Reach Out’.
10. If possible in each State there could be a team to promote the VF. The team shall be consisting of a priest, a nun and two lay people.
11. Mr. Shaji is asked to prepare Web site for VF.
12. The Executive Body will prepare statutes for VF. Rev. Fr. Francis Puthenthayil is asked to prepare the draft of it.
13. Sr. Maria Kalloorthottiyil DC volunteered to translate the booklet on the Miraculous Medal which was printed in Malayalam to English and other local languages.

The following assignments given are realized as per the request of the General Body:
1. The Directory of the VFI
2. The statutes for the VFI
3. The website for VFI

4. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2010 at Gopalpur-on-Sea, Orissa

1. THE VF STRUCTURE would be as follows:
Local Body – Regional Body – National Body
The Regions were identified and their coordinators were nominated.
a. Kerala Region: Very Rev. Fr. James Chelapuram VC.
b. Tamil Nadu Region: Bro. M. Xavier James Raj SSVP
c. Andhra Pradesh Region: N. Krupanandam SSVP
d. Eastern Region (Orissa/West Bengal/Jharkhand/Bihar): Very Rev. Fr. Mathew Kallammakal CM.
e. Northern Region (All other states not included in the list of other regions): Sr. Sangeetha SCN
f. North East Region: Rev. Fr. Basil Thottamkara CM
g. Western Region (Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat): Rev. Fr. George Ayalloor CM.

2. The next General Body meeting of all the Major Superiors/Heads would be held at SCV Generalate, Mananthavadi on the 26th and 27th of February 2011.
3. The proposed project regarding the construction of 100 houses for the Riot Victims of Khandamal District is on in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneswaar..
4. Regarding the centre for the HIV Patients, DC North Indian province is asked to take the leadership to find government aid and the support of CBCI to incur the expenses.
5. Regarding the Website it will be updated time to time.
6. A seminar to be held at Mysore in May 2010. Each Branch is requested to send at least five members to participate so as to promote the active functioning of the Vincentian Family in India.

5. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2011 at Mananthavady, Kerala

1. The annual contribution from each branch is increased to Rs. 2000 per year.
2. identify other communities who are having the Vincentian Charism
3. Have the VF meeting even in the grass root level
4. To have some input sessions on ‘Systemic changes’ and ‘leadership’
5. North region is divided into two. Sr. Sangeetha SCN shall be the regional coordinator of Bihar and Jharkhand.
6. to prepare some projects for VF
7. A seminar shall be conducted at Mysore in the month of May (10 to 14). Fr. George Ayalloor CM shall coordinate the seminar.
8. Bro. Rajeswar Rao is unanimously elected as the General secretary of VFI
9. To look for a place for secretariat at Bangalore.
10. Biography of St. Vincent be made available in local languages
11. There should be an emblem for VF
12. Lay Vincentian associations are to be strengthened by establishing them where Vincentian Fathers and sisters are working

6. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2012 at Bangalore, Karnataka

2. The guidelines for the regional coordinators were approved with some corrections.
3. Western region is divided into Karnataka region and Western region.
4. Each region shall prepare a project and it shall be sent to the Executive Body for its scrutiny and recommend for start-up grants from the International Commission for Systemic Change.
5. A seminar shall be conducted at Bangalore in the month of May (1 to 5). Fr. George Ayalloor CM shall coordinate the seminar. The theme shall be ‘systemic change’.
6. The news bulletin of the VFI will be published separately and no more as part of “Reach out” of SSVP. Bro. Rajeswar Rao is requested to be its chief editor. The name of bulletin shall be ‘vinfamindia’
7. Web site ‘’ will be updated.
8. In the next annual gathering, Fr. Robert P. Maloney CM shall be invited to give input session on systemic change. More members could be invited to attend it.

7. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2013 at Ranchi, Jharkhand

1. The Regions were identified and their coordinators were nominated.

a. Kerala Region: Very Rev. Fr. James Chelapuram VC.
b. Tamil Nadu Region: Bro. M. Xavier James Raj SSVP
c. Andhra Pradesh Region: N. Krupanandam SSVP.
d. Eastern Region (Orissa/West Bengal/Jharkhand/Bihar): Sr. Kumari Singh DC
e. Jharkhand-Bihar Region: Sr. Lilly Pallipurath SCJM
f. Northern Region (All other states not included in the list of other regions):
g. North East Region: Rev. Fr. Basil Thottamkara CM
h. Karnataka Region: Sr. Teresa Pegado DC
i. Western Region (Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat): Rev. Fr. Devasia Pudussery CM.

2. A seminar shall be conducted at Bangalore in the month of May (1 to 5). Fr. Simon Kaipuram CM shall coordinate the seminar. The theme shall be ‘new evangelization in the year of Faith’.
3. A common project shall be taken to promote the dignity of women. A commission consists of Fr. James Chelapurath VC, Fr. George Varekulam CM, Sr. Roselyn Karakattu SCN, and Clara Fernandez SSVP shall prepare an action plan for the promotion and implementation of the project.
4. Web site shall be updated regularly.

8. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2014 at Angamaly, Kerala

1. The National Coordinator will replace the Regional Coordinators whose term of office has been completed.
2. The five day Formation programme will be conducted from 1 to 5 May 2014 at Bangalore. The theme of the seminar shall be “Social Teaching of St.Vincent De Paul.”
3. Systemic Change Commission will disseminate the concept of systemic change to all the members of VFI
4. Srs. Philo SCV and Sr. Sukesini Digal DC were nominated to be the part of the women empowerment commission.
5. Regional Coordinators shall come together to plan for strengthening the zonal and local units
6. To have a model project in collaboration with various branches of VFI and decide how and where model projects are going to have.
7. Establish Office / a centre with a beautiful library.
8. Long term formation programme for one or two months could be organised. The formation team will discuss and finalise.
9. Website is to be updated.
10. Each region as well as major superiors will supply news quarterly for Vinfamindia News bulletin.
11. VF Directory to be updated.

9. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2015 at Mysore, Karnataka

1. VFI secretariat shall be established in Mysore
2. National Coordinator is empowered to change the regional coordinators if they are inactive.
3. Basic information on VF is to be included in the Formation programmes of each branch
4. Systemic change commission shall conduct the seminar in each region.
5. Annual contribution by the branches shall be Rs. 3000.
6. The commission for the women shall be revived.
7. Update the Directory of VFI

10. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2016 at Gopalpur-on –Sea, Odisha
1. Bro. Tomy SSVP and Bro. Mathew SSVP were elected national secretaries in the place of Bro. Rajeswar Rao SSVP
2. A project could be prepared for the structure at Mysore for the secretariat cum resource centre of VFI
3. The women commission is reorganized and 4 new members were named to lead the commission.

11. The resolutions of the Annual gathering 2016 at Alwaye, Kerala
1. VFI is to be registered as a trust.
2. The secretariat shall be shifted from Mysore to Bangalore
3. A contract shall be made with the South Indian Province of DC regarding the use of their land at Hallehalli, T.C.Palaya, Bangalore for the purpose of Secretariat cum Vincentian Resource centre.
4. More Formation programme could be introduced.
5. Systemic change concept is to be disseminated to each member of the VFI
6. A day of fasting to be organized just prior to the feast of St. Vincent de Paul
7. Commission for the Empowerment of the Women shall prepare the modules and provide inputs whenever and wherever it is possible.
8. Common projects shall be initiated in each region.
9. Awareness program on Vincentian Spirituality shall be initiated.
10. Directory is to be revised at the earliest.

The branches of VF present in India

1. Congregation of the Mission (CM)
2. Daughters of Charity (DC)
3. Vincentian Congregation (VC)
4. Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Manathavaday (SCV)
5. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN)
6. Sisters of Charity of St. Mary (SCSM)
7. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (SCJM)
8. Sisters of Handmaids of Charity St. Vincent de Paul (SMDC)
9. Sisters of the Destitute (SD)
10. Congregation of the Preshitharam Sisters (CPS)
11. Sisters of Charity of St. Francis of Assisi (CSC)
12. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
13. Marian Youth Movement (VMY)
14. Miraculous Medal Association (AMM)
15. Brother of Charity (BC)
16. Sisters of charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Ranchi (SCV)
17. Sisters of Charity of Jeanne Antide Thouret (SDC)
18. Fiat Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul (FMSV)
19. Society of Priests of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (SSC)
20. Brothers of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (FSGC)
21. Sisters of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (SJBC)


Our founders, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, Blessed Frederick Ozanam, the Servant of God Jean-Léon Le Prevost, Father Kattarath, Cardinal Armand Gaston De Rohan, John Baptist Leonardi, Father John Baptist David, Mother Catherin Spalding, Mother Maria Loiusa Anglic, Pierre Joseph Triest, Mother Placide etc. were practical persons, not theoretical.
The necessities of the poor are immense. We are encumbered by a stronger commitment to the poor. The Lord is calling us to respond together. St. Vincent was conscious of the communal dimension of the service of the Gospel. He knew that by channeling our energies and growing in unity we could be more effective instruments to face the concrete needs of the poor.
Let us make the Gospel effective for the poor. Let us live with our identity as one among the Vincentian Family. Today there are new dimensions of poverty awaiting, from all of us, a response of love from God who knows them, who forgives them, who waits for them… and who loves them.

Basic Information and Guidelines for the members of The Vincentian Family in India Click and view